Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Night I Don't Completely Want To Remember,

Well last night was new years eve and as much as I try, they always seem to be a major hyped and a major let down in the end. Plans were made, people were in good moods.. I was even that happy I didn't mind paying excessive amounts on alcohol and to share it for the people who didn't buy any! Party started before sunset but by sunset drama was flaring. It is almost as if the moon came up and people went funny, like people turning into scary wolves. Anyway, skipping ahead quit rapidly, things were said, serious things.. and I couldn't shake them, all I could think to do was drink. I was fine until everybody decided to walk to the big park for the countdown to the new year.. anyone who knows me will know that I'm fine drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.. as long as I don't move heaps :) I ended up getting lost and returning to my friends house which is where I realized the back door of my car was unlocked and I could get my emergency stash of alcohol.. like I needed anymore by that stage! Half way through the bottle of cheap "premium" vodka I decide to go look for my friends again.. make it to the park just barely and then fell over in a bush...

... yeahh, I passed out. I was awoke by three guys.. two aussies and one samoan.. luckily they weren't trying to roll me but trying to help me. They stayed with me for almost an hour trying to help me find people, even to the point of using all their phones and mine calling around. I could see new messages on my phone, BUT I was that out of it the writing on the screen all blurred into one colour =/

While waiting, a car pulls up and just my luck, its undercover police. awesome. All I can remember was them trying to get me to stand up and me telling them to go fuck themselves as they idea alone of standing up was making me feel dizzy.. although he was nice, he let me use his lighter :) haha, apparently they were going to arrest me at one stage (probably around the time i told them to go fuck themselves - sorry for the french ladies and gentlemen).

I felt bad for the guys that were trying to help me, they got all their fireworks confiscated of them and had to hide their alcohol. ha! epic fail. -_-"

Anywho, people finally came to get me, the pigs (police) finally left me and I had to be carried home because walking.. well it was simply not an option for me.

What a night. All over something stupid and getting blown absolutely out of proportion. I told myself for the month of december I wouldn't have a New Years Resolution, although I think I might change that and quit drinking.. completely =/ and eventually smoking.. lets say hopefully completely quit by june.

I'm hoping the rest of the year will be better than the first night :)

Matthew Dragoslav.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Flipping Out &,

now laughing my head off! =/ rofl. Well I left off in my last blog that I have to be out of the house by Christmas Eve... well if your living under a rock, just to get you up to speed.. it's Christmas Eve! Anywho, planning where to go and packing with no real place to go in the back of my mind has been making me go crazy, whilst I tried to look sane to my friends (although the close ones knew I wasn't right..)! Well, I've got a place to stay for the next two weeks.. of all places for a half-serb to stay.. a croatian's house with her family =/ LMAO! This is either going to be completely hilarious or completely scary.. especially considering the standard of wogs out Ivana has with her mum already =/ y'eek. what am I getting myself into? xD

OH! and the iceing on the cake... I CAN'T SMOKE AT HER HOUSE! fml, I think I'll be quitting smoking sooner that I expected ;)

:) I'll keep you posted on the happenings when you mix balkan races and put them under one roof in my next blog! XD

Matthew Dragoslav

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hasn't Time Flown By,

and I don't know where the past few months have gone. I have to admit since my last blog life has been stressful but I've tried to make the best of it all. For those in the dark of whats going on in my life, drama (a word I use way to frequently) all started when I left for Terrigal and joined "The Wankers" for one night of the schoolies trip. I was there for no less than an hour before my father calls me telling me he wants me out of the house before Christmas; that kind of killed the night, although on reassessing my "no drinking while in Terrigal" plan, the night was kind of salvaged even if that phone conversation never left my mind for a moment.

Since then, I've been working and trying to find places to live and to find a car so I can continue working, it's been a long process of promising places falling through and or leading me to dead ends.

I guess one thing went to plan, I bought my very own first car! It may not be the best on the eye, but after i'm done putting my own mark on it should be up to scratch :) AND! Atleast I know for certain that this car has nothing to do with my parents and thus, they can't take it off me like they have the previous two cars I've been given! Photo's will be up when I finally get around to taking some and posted in future blogs, stay tuned :)

It's currently 10.08pm on the 21st of December, leaving me with around three days to figure out where the heck I'm going to live! My mind is constantly, as it has been since Terrigal, going around in circles and while I've been trying to keep calm I don't know how much more of this uncertainty I can take.

Hopefully something will provail itself in the very, very, near future and put my mind at rest! Until then, I'll be keeping you posted. :)

Hope you had fun reading my rant,
Matthew Dragoslav.