Well last night was new years eve and as much as I try, they always seem to be a major hyped and a major let down in the end. Plans were made, people were in good moods.. I was even that happy I didn't mind paying excessive amounts on alcohol and to share it for the people who didn't buy any! Party started before sunset but by sunset drama was flaring. It is almost as if the moon came up and people went funny, like people turning into scary wolves. Anyway, skipping ahead quit rapidly, things were said, serious things.. and I couldn't shake them, all I could think to do was drink. I was fine until everybody decided to walk to the big park for the countdown to the new year.. anyone who knows me will know that I'm fine drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.. as long as I don't move heaps :) I ended up getting lost and returning to my friends house which is where I realized the back door of my car was unlocked and I could get my emergency stash of alcohol.. like I needed anymore by that stage! Half way through the bottle of cheap "premium" vodka I decide to go look for my friends again.. make it to the park just barely and then fell over in a bush...
... yeahh, I passed out. I was awoke by three guys.. two aussies and one samoan.. luckily they weren't trying to roll me but trying to help me. They stayed with me for almost an hour trying to help me find people, even to the point of using all their phones and mine calling around. I could see new messages on my phone, BUT I was that out of it the writing on the screen all blurred into one colour =/
While waiting, a car pulls up and just my luck, its undercover police. awesome. All I can remember was them trying to get me to stand up and me telling them to go fuck themselves as they idea alone of standing up was making me feel dizzy.. although he was nice, he let me use his lighter :) haha, apparently they were going to arrest me at one stage (probably around the time i told them to go fuck themselves - sorry for the french ladies and gentlemen).
I felt bad for the guys that were trying to help me, they got all their fireworks confiscated of them and had to hide their alcohol. ha! epic fail. -_-"
Anywho, people finally came to get me, the pigs (police) finally left me and I had to be carried home because walking.. well it was simply not an option for me.
What a night. All over something stupid and getting blown absolutely out of proportion. I told myself for the month of december I wouldn't have a New Years Resolution, although I think I might change that and quit drinking.. completely =/ and eventually smoking.. lets say hopefully completely quit by june.
I'm hoping the rest of the year will be better than the first night :)
Matthew Dragoslav.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Flipping Out &,
now laughing my head off! =/ rofl. Well I left off in my last blog that I have to be out of the house by Christmas Eve... well if your living under a rock, just to get you up to speed.. it's Christmas Eve! Anywho, planning where to go and packing with no real place to go in the back of my mind has been making me go crazy, whilst I tried to look sane to my friends (although the close ones knew I wasn't right..)! Well, I've got a place to stay for the next two weeks.. of all places for a half-serb to stay.. a croatian's house with her family =/ LMAO! This is either going to be completely hilarious or completely scary.. especially considering the standard of wogs out Ivana has with her mum already =/ y'eek. what am I getting myself into? xD
OH! and the iceing on the cake... I CAN'T SMOKE AT HER HOUSE! fml, I think I'll be quitting smoking sooner that I expected ;)
:) I'll keep you posted on the happenings when you mix balkan races and put them under one roof in my next blog! XD
Matthew Dragoslav
OH! and the iceing on the cake... I CAN'T SMOKE AT HER HOUSE! fml, I think I'll be quitting smoking sooner that I expected ;)
:) I'll keep you posted on the happenings when you mix balkan races and put them under one roof in my next blog! XD
Matthew Dragoslav
Monday, December 21, 2009
Hasn't Time Flown By,
and I don't know where the past few months have gone. I have to admit since my last blog life has been stressful but I've tried to make the best of it all. For those in the dark of whats going on in my life, drama (a word I use way to frequently) all started when I left for Terrigal and joined "The Wankers" for one night of the schoolies trip. I was there for no less than an hour before my father calls me telling me he wants me out of the house before Christmas; that kind of killed the night, although on reassessing my "no drinking while in Terrigal" plan, the night was kind of salvaged even if that phone conversation never left my mind for a moment.
Since then, I've been working and trying to find places to live and to find a car so I can continue working, it's been a long process of promising places falling through and or leading me to dead ends.
I guess one thing went to plan, I bought my very own first car! It may not be the best on the eye, but after i'm done putting my own mark on it should be up to scratch :) AND! Atleast I know for certain that this car has nothing to do with my parents and thus, they can't take it off me like they have the previous two cars I've been given! Photo's will be up when I finally get around to taking some and posted in future blogs, stay tuned :)
It's currently 10.08pm on the 21st of December, leaving me with around three days to figure out where the heck I'm going to live! My mind is constantly, as it has been since Terrigal, going around in circles and while I've been trying to keep calm I don't know how much more of this uncertainty I can take.
Hopefully something will provail itself in the very, very, near future and put my mind at rest! Until then, I'll be keeping you posted. :)
Hope you had fun reading my rant,
Matthew Dragoslav.
Since then, I've been working and trying to find places to live and to find a car so I can continue working, it's been a long process of promising places falling through and or leading me to dead ends.
I guess one thing went to plan, I bought my very own first car! It may not be the best on the eye, but after i'm done putting my own mark on it should be up to scratch :) AND! Atleast I know for certain that this car has nothing to do with my parents and thus, they can't take it off me like they have the previous two cars I've been given! Photo's will be up when I finally get around to taking some and posted in future blogs, stay tuned :)
It's currently 10.08pm on the 21st of December, leaving me with around three days to figure out where the heck I'm going to live! My mind is constantly, as it has been since Terrigal, going around in circles and while I've been trying to keep calm I don't know how much more of this uncertainty I can take.
Hopefully something will provail itself in the very, very, near future and put my mind at rest! Until then, I'll be keeping you posted. :)
Hope you had fun reading my rant,
Matthew Dragoslav.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Life's Looking Up :)
ahhhhhh; the feeling of no drama. fuck mastercard, this shits truly priceless! haha.
okay.. so with my newly found legalness (lol) I ended up going clubbing as one does the friday right after my birthday:P Vince has been 8teen for a while now.. so I just left all the planning of places to go and what not up to him... turned out to be a good night :) finally went to the "famous" Blink! that he's always raving on about (...although it was dead the night we went.. awesome!) BUT we did meet some cool people and ended up sitting in the smokers area basically the whole night talking and having a good laugh at randoms and what not. (not to mention me getting free drinks for my birthday!! LOL!)
OH! and "apparently" your not allowed to drink in the smokers area of the club.. some rule blah blah blah... but.. you can drink in the adjacent pokies room ;) I only put in a dollar to entertain myself while having a drink.. that's not a gambling problem is it? well the guy giving out change thought it was and gave me a car "do you have a gambling problem?" FUCK HIM! that made me a little shitty.. but then as I was well from being coherent.. my wandered back to the unfinished drink in my hand.. and although the idea of hurling a drink at this guy would be funny.. the aftermath of being thrown out (not to mention.. wasting 8 dollars on a rum and coke -_-") wouldn't be the best way to end the night!
Well.. around 2.30a.m.. and the lockout was looming.. and considering blink was dead like a bitch.. we decided to go to star city :D "It's only a short walk.." says jess. *lying bitch*. LOL! what seemed like forever.. well atleast a little over an hour of walking around town.. we FINALLY got to star city.. became members and swapped our cash for coins ;) haha (gosh.. I do sound like I have a gambling problem... ekk?) anyway.. i'm not wasting time talking about star city. the bitch pokie machines took 17 dollars off me. screw you star city, even though you gave me two free coffee's and free coat check... NO! lmao.
I do believe we were training it home around sunrise.. tried to stay awake.. although some failed:P and went our seperate ways off the train.... for me atleast.. it was straight to mcdonalds for a bacon and egg mc muffin meal... large... add BBQ sauce and four extra pieces of bacon. bahahaha! the gurl just looked at me and I was just like.. how much? :P
Other than that night; I haven't done much else "crazy" (I did leave alot of things out that I can't publicize :Phaha)
bahahhaha! I call up Ivana
Me: come get me; i need food i'm so hungry.
Ivana: i'm at ur work in drive thru, lol. what do u want
Me: lrg qtr pounder meal please :)
LOL! she came to my house with alex and ricky and we all ate infront of my house.. me looking like a dero becoz this is the night after clubbing! (not to mention.. midnight saturday night/sunday morning:P. they all look at me and say, come noming with us :) noww.. i'm not sure if I should write down what noming technically is.. but it involves bored children.. nomes... for sale signs.. and james house! :D ohhh and don't forget the gargoil ;) LMAO
After what was a very memorable weekend; back to work for a week overnights.. ughh.. skipping to the weekend again :)
haha; so i get an invite to chris' on saturday night out of the blue for a piss up... yes you read that correctly.. a piss up! I couldn't say no.. maybe this was like the world coming to an end.. seriously; chris hosting a piss up? LOL interesting night.. i've never known a game of "I never.." to be so revealing. *"My Head Is Exploding!!!" ->rofl
I wasn't supposed to drink that night.. but i did. whoops. driving home at 11am wondering what to say to my parents.. wondering if i'm even sober enough to drive! LOL had a quick cat nap and BACK TO WORK.. yay! 4 hours sleep on a hangover.. it felt magical -_-"
To show you how out of it I was.. at one point.. I was taking orders on drive thru and somehow put in an order for 234 large big mac meals.. everyone in the shop just started screaming basically! LOL I'm pissing myself laughing because i'm an idiot.. louise screaming from front counter (infront of customers) "WTF MATT!" and all the boys in back area just kept saying "is that real... is it?"... this all went down with the customer screaming at me because the price on the screen said over 1000dollars! bahahaha
ahhhh good fun :) I hope this week coming is going to be as good as the one just passed :) until next time.
Matthew Dragoslav.
okay.. so with my newly found legalness (lol) I ended up going clubbing as one does the friday right after my birthday:P Vince has been 8teen for a while now.. so I just left all the planning of places to go and what not up to him... turned out to be a good night :) finally went to the "famous" Blink! that he's always raving on about (...although it was dead the night we went.. awesome!) BUT we did meet some cool people and ended up sitting in the smokers area basically the whole night talking and having a good laugh at randoms and what not. (not to mention me getting free drinks for my birthday!! LOL!)
OH! and "apparently" your not allowed to drink in the smokers area of the club.. some rule blah blah blah... but.. you can drink in the adjacent pokies room ;) I only put in a dollar to entertain myself while having a drink.. that's not a gambling problem is it? well the guy giving out change thought it was and gave me a car "do you have a gambling problem?" FUCK HIM! that made me a little shitty.. but then as I was well from being coherent.. my wandered back to the unfinished drink in my hand.. and although the idea of hurling a drink at this guy would be funny.. the aftermath of being thrown out (not to mention.. wasting 8 dollars on a rum and coke -_-") wouldn't be the best way to end the night!
Well.. around 2.30a.m.. and the lockout was looming.. and considering blink was dead like a bitch.. we decided to go to star city :D "It's only a short walk.." says jess. *lying bitch*. LOL! what seemed like forever.. well atleast a little over an hour of walking around town.. we FINALLY got to star city.. became members and swapped our cash for coins ;) haha (gosh.. I do sound like I have a gambling problem... ekk?) anyway.. i'm not wasting time talking about star city. the bitch pokie machines took 17 dollars off me. screw you star city, even though you gave me two free coffee's and free coat check... NO! lmao.
I do believe we were training it home around sunrise.. tried to stay awake.. although some failed:P and went our seperate ways off the train.... for me atleast.. it was straight to mcdonalds for a bacon and egg mc muffin meal... large... add BBQ sauce and four extra pieces of bacon. bahahaha! the gurl just looked at me and I was just like.. how much? :P
Other than that night; I haven't done much else "crazy" (I did leave alot of things out that I can't publicize :Phaha)
bahahhaha! I call up Ivana
Me: come get me; i need food i'm so hungry.
Ivana: i'm at ur work in drive thru, lol. what do u want
Me: lrg qtr pounder meal please :)
LOL! she came to my house with alex and ricky and we all ate infront of my house.. me looking like a dero becoz this is the night after clubbing! (not to mention.. midnight saturday night/sunday morning:P. they all look at me and say, come noming with us :) noww.. i'm not sure if I should write down what noming technically is.. but it involves bored children.. nomes... for sale signs.. and james house! :D ohhh and don't forget the gargoil ;) LMAO
After what was a very memorable weekend; back to work for a week overnights.. ughh.. skipping to the weekend again :)
haha; so i get an invite to chris' on saturday night out of the blue for a piss up... yes you read that correctly.. a piss up! I couldn't say no.. maybe this was like the world coming to an end.. seriously; chris hosting a piss up? LOL interesting night.. i've never known a game of "I never.." to be so revealing. *"My Head Is Exploding!!!" ->rofl
I wasn't supposed to drink that night.. but i did. whoops. driving home at 11am wondering what to say to my parents.. wondering if i'm even sober enough to drive! LOL had a quick cat nap and BACK TO WORK.. yay! 4 hours sleep on a hangover.. it felt magical -_-"
To show you how out of it I was.. at one point.. I was taking orders on drive thru and somehow put in an order for 234 large big mac meals.. everyone in the shop just started screaming basically! LOL I'm pissing myself laughing because i'm an idiot.. louise screaming from front counter (infront of customers) "WTF MATT!" and all the boys in back area just kept saying "is that real... is it?"... this all went down with the customer screaming at me because the price on the screen said over 1000dollars! bahahaha
ahhhh good fun :) I hope this week coming is going to be as good as the one just passed :) until next time.
Matthew Dragoslav.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
October; A Month Of Mixed Emotions..
... Where do I start? I think I'll have to start with the bad.. =/
Anyway; drama drama drama doesn't even go near how much drama has occurred. It all started the night after the 3OH!3 concert where we planned to hang at tash's house for pizza and movies.. beyond innocent (which when looking back on all the random stuff we always do.. doesn't make sense why we'd sit there watching movies.. maybe we were just tired still from 3OH!3 the previous night..). We go home and a pretty happy :) Sunday roles its ugly face around the corner. -_-" Accusations of drugs (which is like a massive WTF moment for every person that was there.. like seriously!) Samara starts throwing accusations around like crazy to all our parents.. we start getting "banned from seeing eachother" (.. "excuse me, i graduated kindergarten in 1997 ;)" ).. then the voids in the group started appearing between Ivana and Natasha over a misunderstanding and awkward circumstances.. meanwhile i'm working around the clock so i'm so out of the loop... THEN! samara starts messaging me accusing me of doing drugs "but she will give me another chance" and not to hang around "that tramp"... I kept my cool although respectfully defending myself... wouldn't you if someone was dissing you and accusing of such things? anyway; that led to her blowing up.. WHERE I STILL KEPT MY COOL! (which for people who've known me for years.. you'd be expecting me to loose it!) anyway.. hours of phone conversations go by with threats from a grown woman putting me "on her hitlist" and saying "she's scared of no c-nt!".. like come on; chillax.
this isn't even half the drama. i'd suggest a short intermission to go get refreshments.. your going to be here for a while* :)
back into it; the night of the prank phone calls. omg. me and ivana are with kirra at her house playing wii and eating pizza (*note to self; i ate WAY to much pizza in october.. =/_) while getting all these stupid fone calls on our fones from an obviously middle aged woman with a european accent - WOW! who could that be? I'm not even going to say it. honestly. anyway.. we put up with it and then i click and call natasha to put an end to it becoz it was just getting boring and old. Half way through this (where she saying it was me calling them.. yeah; with what credit?!) my ivana calls her fone yelling about prank calls and almost simultaneously my sister calls kirra's phone for me crying. they've not only been pranking us, but our families. they brought my FOURTEEN YEAR OLD sister down to tears... and this is a woman with children. i was furious but kept my cool; i don't think ivana and kirra had a clue how pissed off i was although they knew i wasn't exactly happy.
at this point; i clicked. if natasha seriously was going to back this behaviour i wanted nothing to do with her. okay; you have a beef with me for whatever reason whether plausable or not (not.) you take it up with me and me only. don't bring my sister into it and bring her to tears by swearing and abusing her. thats just low, especially for an "adult" & "mother".
the next night messages from natasha start asking our position as "friends" and where we are at. I have to put my apologies out to natasha here because I did lose my cool that night; messages both ways did go crazy that night, although even during this I did use bad language and try and bring her down.. It didn't go near her and her mothers threats "to come to my house and bash me" (word for word out of messages..)! but whatever.
NOW! for the final chapter of this ever dragging along saga of drama. -_-"
Owed Money. Me and Ivana owe natasha money for the 3OH!3 tickets which is fair enough.. although if I did want to be a bitch I could sit down for hours and write a list of things natasha owe's me money for and she wouldn't be even able to afford it! but whatever. I owe her money; be a man about it and pay it. move on. arrangements were made for sunday (yesterday) and it was aggreed upon. settled. I find out that they wanted the money friday from ivana on thursday night.. I've got plans (as does she..) and I don't have a car.. urrmm; yeah not happening. I dont' have access to the car all weekend so arrangements are made for monday afternoon "no if's or buts". That was aggreed on even with the reminders on sunday "dickhead I want my money tomorrow or there will be trouble". hmm; didn't respond but yeah. *ENTERING STAGE LEFT- DRAMA :/* Phone's dead*. House phone rings; dad answers.. talking away in the dist. he comes into my room; she's out front -_-" I don't have money on me - I live on my keycard... dad goes down to tell her.. he tells her i'll bring it over tomorrow or she can come here and get it tomorrow and if i don't have it; he'll pay her himselff.. "not good enough" hahaha; then they start yelling.. dad says whatever and starts walking away... "don't yell at me" says some chick in the car.. haha gotta love dad... "i'm not yelling... YOU WAIT FOR ME TO START YELLING!" - he even scared the leb neighbours accross the road. bahaha. I walk into my room and put my fone on charge.. messages to call work =/ urrmm okay; s i call work and they've been there earlier looking for me and going nuts at work.. great!
URGH! i'm done with all this drama.. during this whole fight i've gone of my nut once... once. yet most likely there will be things and stories about me flying everywhere. ha. talk it up :) giving the money today and that's it. I'm done with peoples life crisis' and being dragged into them.. goodbye. :)
28th of october, 1991. wait.. that makes 28.10.09 my !8TH BIRTHDAY :D! lol; yep yep. i'm 18 :) surprisingly; I haven't been out all that much.. which kinda is a draggg.. but ive got years of "legalnesssss" to live it up :)
eekk; thats kinda sucky.. the happy party fails compared to the drama:P oh well.. it'll all be over soon which means back to normal having funn :) stay tuned.
Matthew Dragoslav.
Anyway; drama drama drama doesn't even go near how much drama has occurred. It all started the night after the 3OH!3 concert where we planned to hang at tash's house for pizza and movies.. beyond innocent (which when looking back on all the random stuff we always do.. doesn't make sense why we'd sit there watching movies.. maybe we were just tired still from 3OH!3 the previous night..). We go home and a pretty happy :) Sunday roles its ugly face around the corner. -_-" Accusations of drugs (which is like a massive WTF moment for every person that was there.. like seriously!) Samara starts throwing accusations around like crazy to all our parents.. we start getting "banned from seeing eachother" (.. "excuse me, i graduated kindergarten in 1997 ;)" ).. then the voids in the group started appearing between Ivana and Natasha over a misunderstanding and awkward circumstances.. meanwhile i'm working around the clock so i'm so out of the loop... THEN! samara starts messaging me accusing me of doing drugs "but she will give me another chance" and not to hang around "that tramp"... I kept my cool although respectfully defending myself... wouldn't you if someone was dissing you and accusing of such things? anyway; that led to her blowing up.. WHERE I STILL KEPT MY COOL! (which for people who've known me for years.. you'd be expecting me to loose it!) anyway.. hours of phone conversations go by with threats from a grown woman putting me "on her hitlist" and saying "she's scared of no c-nt!".. like come on; chillax.
this isn't even half the drama. i'd suggest a short intermission to go get refreshments.. your going to be here for a while* :)
back into it; the night of the prank phone calls. omg. me and ivana are with kirra at her house playing wii and eating pizza (*note to self; i ate WAY to much pizza in october.. =/_) while getting all these stupid fone calls on our fones from an obviously middle aged woman with a european accent - WOW! who could that be? I'm not even going to say it. honestly. anyway.. we put up with it and then i click and call natasha to put an end to it becoz it was just getting boring and old. Half way through this (where she saying it was me calling them.. yeah; with what credit?!) my ivana calls her fone yelling about prank calls and almost simultaneously my sister calls kirra's phone for me crying. they've not only been pranking us, but our families. they brought my FOURTEEN YEAR OLD sister down to tears... and this is a woman with children. i was furious but kept my cool; i don't think ivana and kirra had a clue how pissed off i was although they knew i wasn't exactly happy.
at this point; i clicked. if natasha seriously was going to back this behaviour i wanted nothing to do with her. okay; you have a beef with me for whatever reason whether plausable or not (not.) you take it up with me and me only. don't bring my sister into it and bring her to tears by swearing and abusing her. thats just low, especially for an "adult" & "mother".
the next night messages from natasha start asking our position as "friends" and where we are at. I have to put my apologies out to natasha here because I did lose my cool that night; messages both ways did go crazy that night, although even during this I did use bad language and try and bring her down.. It didn't go near her and her mothers threats "to come to my house and bash me" (word for word out of messages..)! but whatever.
NOW! for the final chapter of this ever dragging along saga of drama. -_-"
Owed Money. Me and Ivana owe natasha money for the 3OH!3 tickets which is fair enough.. although if I did want to be a bitch I could sit down for hours and write a list of things natasha owe's me money for and she wouldn't be even able to afford it! but whatever. I owe her money; be a man about it and pay it. move on. arrangements were made for sunday (yesterday) and it was aggreed upon. settled. I find out that they wanted the money friday from ivana on thursday night.. I've got plans (as does she..) and I don't have a car.. urrmm; yeah not happening. I dont' have access to the car all weekend so arrangements are made for monday afternoon "no if's or buts". That was aggreed on even with the reminders on sunday "dickhead I want my money tomorrow or there will be trouble". hmm; didn't respond but yeah. *ENTERING STAGE LEFT- DRAMA :/* Phone's dead*. House phone rings; dad answers.. talking away in the dist. he comes into my room; she's out front -_-" I don't have money on me - I live on my keycard... dad goes down to tell her.. he tells her i'll bring it over tomorrow or she can come here and get it tomorrow and if i don't have it; he'll pay her himselff.. "not good enough" hahaha; then they start yelling.. dad says whatever and starts walking away... "don't yell at me" says some chick in the car.. haha gotta love dad... "i'm not yelling... YOU WAIT FOR ME TO START YELLING!" - he even scared the leb neighbours accross the road. bahaha. I walk into my room and put my fone on charge.. messages to call work =/ urrmm okay; s i call work and they've been there earlier looking for me and going nuts at work.. great!
URGH! i'm done with all this drama.. during this whole fight i've gone of my nut once... once. yet most likely there will be things and stories about me flying everywhere. ha. talk it up :) giving the money today and that's it. I'm done with peoples life crisis' and being dragged into them.. goodbye. :)
28th of october, 1991. wait.. that makes 28.10.09 my !8TH BIRTHDAY :D! lol; yep yep. i'm 18 :) surprisingly; I haven't been out all that much.. which kinda is a draggg.. but ive got years of "legalnesssss" to live it up :)
eekk; thats kinda sucky.. the happy party fails compared to the drama:P oh well.. it'll all be over soon which means back to normal having funn :) stay tuned.
Matthew Dragoslav.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
"I'm Not Your Cute Little Sexy Toy; Won't Be Your Nasty Little Bitch!" (8)
Okay!~ Before I get into my blog.. I would like to announce... I'M GOING TO 3OH!3 :D! Natasha &&. Ivvay came and surprised me with tickets at work today... I started jumping in the kitchen so all the customers could just see a bopping head over the ice cream machine... mcdonalds is a respectable and highly professional place of work :) Supposedly I'm "paying natasha back"... stay tuned to my blog to find out if that ever happens :D
Well back to the boring bits... that was one heck of a week! If I remember correctly.. I started out with three rostered shifts.. which kind of annoyed me because I hate to bludge.. so I took whatever shifts came my way at the start... then did my actual shifts afterwards as all my shifts were rostered at the end of the week... ALTHOUGH! I end up working WAYYYYY to many shifts because people are injuring themselves like little emo kids after a day of being teased at school~! LOL... I know I started with 24 hours rostered... I'm guna count up how many I worked now.. *blog pause* .. okay so figure's I've lost count :) anywho.. I feel like shit right now, but come payday :) I'll be quite a happy chap.
Ohhh; and after work today.. I had to go get the tickets off Natasha for 3OH!3 ( =] x 98765434567 etc.) ended up having a few ciggies (of her mum's - cheers titties) and then quickly heading over to Ivana's work to drop by... "One Water Please.. " *passes me the water... "Watch Your Car.." and I walk out.. HAHA! want all over the car just to freak her out.. although she do anything.. epic fail -_-"! so just for that extra punch.. I stole her p plate :D BAHAHAHA! I think she finish's work soon.. she'll probably drive over to YELL! at me! bahahaha.
Anyway.. my week was completely boring and spent working. -_-"
Until next time where I actually have crazy adventures to talk about..
Matthew Dragoslav.
*Note: The title is a 3OH!3 lyric... but all the cool kid's already knew that :D
Well back to the boring bits... that was one heck of a week! If I remember correctly.. I started out with three rostered shifts.. which kind of annoyed me because I hate to bludge.. so I took whatever shifts came my way at the start... then did my actual shifts afterwards as all my shifts were rostered at the end of the week... ALTHOUGH! I end up working WAYYYYY to many shifts because people are injuring themselves like little emo kids after a day of being teased at school~! LOL... I know I started with 24 hours rostered... I'm guna count up how many I worked now.. *blog pause* .. okay so figure's I've lost count :) anywho.. I feel like shit right now, but come payday :) I'll be quite a happy chap.
Ohhh; and after work today.. I had to go get the tickets off Natasha for 3OH!3 ( =] x 98765434567 etc.) ended up having a few ciggies (of her mum's - cheers titties) and then quickly heading over to Ivana's work to drop by... "One Water Please.. " *passes me the water... "Watch Your Car.." and I walk out.. HAHA! want all over the car just to freak her out.. although she do anything.. epic fail -_-"! so just for that extra punch.. I stole her p plate :D BAHAHAHA! I think she finish's work soon.. she'll probably drive over to YELL! at me! bahahaha.
Anyway.. my week was completely boring and spent working. -_-"
Until next time where I actually have crazy adventures to talk about..
Matthew Dragoslav.
*Note: The title is a 3OH!3 lyric... but all the cool kid's already knew that :D
Sunday, September 13, 2009
D.U.I's & Scary Road Closures =/
Tash's Mum's B'day Dinner :D
Okay, my day starts with me freaking out at 7.41 am... i start work in 19 minutes =/ somehow I shaved (poorly_) and showered and dried my hair in eleven minutes... BUT! by the time I got to work.. it was 8.04 -_-". I already told them I couldn't work today's shift because I took extra's for them when they were desperate (20 minute long convo pleading with me... how could I say no!)... blah blah blah... AND THEY GIVE ME A WARNING SLIP! omg. I could have exploded.. but I kept my cool... and it was finally resolved at the end of the shift.. thank god... like seriously.. ask anybody... i'm always at work atleast 30 mins before a shift.. if not an hour and dressed correctly... even with my hair done! (even though sometimes they get me to push it back.... WOGBOY!)!!!
Anyway.... finished at 1pm (short shifts FTW_) and head home to get ready... blah blah blah... i'm ready :) Somehow my mum... yes my mum... wtf.. persuaded my dad to let me use the car for the night :):):) and after packing up some beach chairs and waiting for Ivvayy (who had impeckable timing btw) we were off to pick up natasha in barry the barina :)
We arrive at westfields.. and after me watching some shifty guys in the carpark around barry (my car if u didn't read the previous paragraph you dumb shit !).. we headed to nat's work! Me and Ivvay planned a "Nat's mum is having a heart attack and she's in the hospo... she needs to come NOW! it kinda worked... got her off fifteen minutes early :) yay. haha... blah blah blah.. drove to her house !
When we get to Natasha's house our plans for going to cronulla/wollongong/brighten got completely canned and we end up going to Bankstown Sports.. LOL at driving being Nat's mum while she's going slow for me.. I'm flashing my lights trying to get her to go faster... such a road rage addict! Dinner was good; and reasonably cheap :) Although Ivvay and Nat's plan to sneak the cake in epically failed -_-" damn Marly for giving it away! HAHA
OH! during din dinz.. nat says somethings about the waiter being cute... an asian emo.. wow she's got low standards! LOL! anyway; we embarrassed her by getting his name, asking him his number.. if he's single.. getting him to bring unnessary things just so he'd be near our table! haha.. she ran out of the restaraunt at one point! LOL
After dinner as natasha's mum was paying, we had the idea to get into the nightclub... we looked eighteen and got straight passed security (me holding car keys and ciggies FTW)... once we get around the corner.. its a bunch of 40 y/o's standing around "bopping" to the beat... we looked at eachother and all said "nahhhhhhh" at the same time (why didn't someone say jinx? *sigh) LOL
Get back to the car in the huge carpark and we get the great idea to drive to lakemba... scary shit! haha but didn't stop me and samara beeping our horns past the mosque and going crazy... all the lebo's looking at us like we were slices of bacon. LOL! gotta love it.
Oh yeahh.. and around about this time we took some photo, such as the following :)

Then we drive around to Fiona's house just down the road... beeping our horns like CRAZY! my horn didn't stop for a second... we did it too piss them off; but the thought we were just beeping for a chat... umm.. okay? HAHA!!!
After that; we get the great idea to go to the beach :) the very. VERY. last road and we see cop cars.. i thought it was an RBT and i nearly shit myself (i had a 'celebratory' wine for samara.. damn the zero alco limit) anyway... i beep my horn to samare to turn.. IDIOT! Samara turns into the off street and the cop car parks directly infront of me facing me. *matthew dragoslav dies at the wheel. i turn the opposite way in the other street to samara and stopped the car.. OMG; your licence is gone Ivvayy kept repeating (just what i wanted to hear). I put my head out of the window and i'm like to the copper who was now out of the car... "you pulling me over".. his responce "no, road closure". *matthew dragoslav's heart begins to beat again. (lol) anyway; i drive to samara's car... go past over the hill (where the pigs cant see me) and jump out.. craving like a bitch! I probably would have been sober but i wasn't going to bet my licence on it. HAHA
We drove all the way to brighten.. well; just before brighten because traffic was a BITCH! we stopped for a ciggarette break and to watch the planes... well atleast we got to a beach eventually! haha
On our way home.. -_-" M5 closer. what a joke. almost got into ANOTHER "esh lad escape" because I cut these lad's off.. although it was one lane so it was there fault.. but whatever. Getting home was crazy... luckily samara knew ALLLLLLLLLL the crazy back streets through cantebury. haha
FINALLY back onto the M5 and me and samara are racing to get infront of eachother; I won on the M5; but she beat me back to her place... don't know why but I always got back home the long way through all the back streets... never.. ever.. know why! LOL!
When we get back to natasha's.. Marly's running around with this squirter toy... swear it was a mini version douche bag! LOL; gave us a realllllll good laugh :) and my "silent laugh"! haha
That's pretty much my eventful night :) Minus an uneventful stop at maccas on the way home and me being to tired to push the break going around roundabouts.. me screaming; get out of the way... CBF with the break pedal! LOL
Hahaha :) Goodnight && Happy Birthday Samara (Wife?)
Until Next Time,
Matthew Dragoslav.
Tash's Mum's B'day Dinner :D
Okay, my day starts with me freaking out at 7.41 am... i start work in 19 minutes =/ somehow I shaved (poorly_) and showered and dried my hair in eleven minutes... BUT! by the time I got to work.. it was 8.04 -_-". I already told them I couldn't work today's shift because I took extra's for them when they were desperate (20 minute long convo pleading with me... how could I say no!)... blah blah blah... AND THEY GIVE ME A WARNING SLIP! omg. I could have exploded.. but I kept my cool... and it was finally resolved at the end of the shift.. thank god... like seriously.. ask anybody... i'm always at work atleast 30 mins before a shift.. if not an hour and dressed correctly... even with my hair done! (even though sometimes they get me to push it back.... WOGBOY!)!!!
Anyway.... finished at 1pm (short shifts FTW_) and head home to get ready... blah blah blah... i'm ready :) Somehow my mum... yes my mum... wtf.. persuaded my dad to let me use the car for the night :):):) and after packing up some beach chairs and waiting for Ivvayy (who had impeckable timing btw) we were off to pick up natasha in barry the barina :)
We arrive at westfields.. and after me watching some shifty guys in the carpark around barry (my car if u didn't read the previous paragraph you dumb shit !).. we headed to nat's work! Me and Ivvay planned a "Nat's mum is having a heart attack and she's in the hospo... she needs to come NOW! it kinda worked... got her off fifteen minutes early :) yay. haha... blah blah blah.. drove to her house !
When we get to Natasha's house our plans for going to cronulla/wollongong/brighten got completely canned and we end up going to Bankstown Sports.. LOL at driving being Nat's mum while she's going slow for me.. I'm flashing my lights trying to get her to go faster... such a road rage addict! Dinner was good; and reasonably cheap :) Although Ivvay and Nat's plan to sneak the cake in epically failed -_-" damn Marly for giving it away! HAHA
OH! during din dinz.. nat says somethings about the waiter being cute... an asian emo.. wow she's got low standards! LOL! anyway; we embarrassed her by getting his name, asking him his number.. if he's single.. getting him to bring unnessary things just so he'd be near our table! haha.. she ran out of the restaraunt at one point! LOL
After dinner as natasha's mum was paying, we had the idea to get into the nightclub... we looked eighteen and got straight passed security (me holding car keys and ciggies FTW)... once we get around the corner.. its a bunch of 40 y/o's standing around "bopping" to the beat... we looked at eachother and all said "nahhhhhhh" at the same time (why didn't someone say jinx? *sigh) LOL
Get back to the car in the huge carpark and we get the great idea to drive to lakemba... scary shit! haha but didn't stop me and samara beeping our horns past the mosque and going crazy... all the lebo's looking at us like we were slices of bacon. LOL! gotta love it.
Oh yeahh.. and around about this time we took some photo, such as the following :)

Then we drive around to Fiona's house just down the road... beeping our horns like CRAZY! my horn didn't stop for a second... we did it too piss them off; but the thought we were just beeping for a chat... umm.. okay? HAHA!!!
After that; we get the great idea to go to the beach :) the very. VERY. last road and we see cop cars.. i thought it was an RBT and i nearly shit myself (i had a 'celebratory' wine for samara.. damn the zero alco limit) anyway... i beep my horn to samare to turn.. IDIOT! Samara turns into the off street and the cop car parks directly infront of me facing me. *matthew dragoslav dies at the wheel. i turn the opposite way in the other street to samara and stopped the car.. OMG; your licence is gone Ivvayy kept repeating (just what i wanted to hear). I put my head out of the window and i'm like to the copper who was now out of the car... "you pulling me over".. his responce "no, road closure". *matthew dragoslav's heart begins to beat again. (lol) anyway; i drive to samara's car... go past over the hill (where the pigs cant see me) and jump out.. craving like a bitch! I probably would have been sober but i wasn't going to bet my licence on it. HAHA
We drove all the way to brighten.. well; just before brighten because traffic was a BITCH! we stopped for a ciggarette break and to watch the planes... well atleast we got to a beach eventually! haha
On our way home.. -_-" M5 closer. what a joke. almost got into ANOTHER "esh lad escape" because I cut these lad's off.. although it was one lane so it was there fault.. but whatever. Getting home was crazy... luckily samara knew ALLLLLLLLLL the crazy back streets through cantebury. haha
FINALLY back onto the M5 and me and samara are racing to get infront of eachother; I won on the M5; but she beat me back to her place... don't know why but I always got back home the long way through all the back streets... never.. ever.. know why! LOL!
When we get back to natasha's.. Marly's running around with this squirter toy... swear it was a mini version douche bag! LOL; gave us a realllllll good laugh :) and my "silent laugh"! haha
That's pretty much my eventful night :) Minus an uneventful stop at maccas on the way home and me being to tired to push the break going around roundabouts.. me screaming; get out of the way... CBF with the break pedal! LOL
Hahaha :) Goodnight && Happy Birthday Samara (Wife?)
Until Next Time,
Matthew Dragoslav.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Numero Uno. :)
Well look at this! Matthew Dragoslav, the "Myspace Whore" turned "Facebook Addict", now has his very own blog! =/ I think I'll use this to rant about whatever is on my mind while I think people who are reading actually care (and not bored shitless!).
Anyway; lets talk about my week :)

I'm going to start with Sundayy! Sunday was planned for shopping with Ivvvay & Natasha (yes, you read that last bit right.. we did plan something for once!) to go shopping to buy presents for Kirra & get Ivvvay some scrubs for dress ups :) Anyway, we were sitting out side with my $4.50 "large" plate of chips (worst $4.50 of my life -_-") and having a ciggarette break when I come up with the idea, "Hey, lets have a barbeque at Nats?". Both girls agreed and after getting the okay from Natasha's mum... My Wife... We were off to buy meat! Once we got to Natasha's, we started cooking right away.. I don't know about them.. but I was starved! I've don't think we could have made a more "wogged out" meal if we tried. A serbian and croatian mixed potato salad (although; I think Natasha's Mum (greek) added to it), along with the greek salad and the masses of sausages we bought! LOL there was so much food I though I was going to be sick! haha
Monday was dodgy. work work work. moving right along to tuesday afternoon :)
Tuesday afternoon; its hot, my hair's been pushed back for work, I'm all sweaty and who do I find outside waiting for me... KirRAWR! :D ON HER BIRTHDAY SHE SURPRISES ME!?! LOL ... blah blah blah; long story short.. I ended up sleeping at her house for the night.. after a few celebratory drinks of course ;) LOL... that night will be remember in my mind as "Rip Her T!TS Off!" and me "Bathing Literally In Vodka"... because that's just how I role ;)
oh oh; blog pause button please. *** HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRRA! *** & now back to your scheduled blog programing by Matthew Dragoslav. :)
Wednesday worked out funny.. Ivana randomly shows up with Benita at work and I get them to wait for me :) Benita had to go home right away but I ended up staying with Ivana until almost 10pm? We saw Ricky, James, Zomaya, supposedly Giles? LOL... OH! and who thought matty the mazda didn't have it in him.. he beat a ford falcon.. with James as Driver!!! ... although I was driving matty at the time.. and I'm pretty sure I'm a "Crazy Serb Driver" as people preferrably know me as :)
Thursday was shit. I worked until 1am. Like a bitch. Moving Along. xD!
OH~ now for my RANT!:) I'm at a crossroads (sorry ivana... dejavu?); I don't know what I'm to do. Hincho or Carnes Hill? Its abit confusing for me.. and I have the future to think about.. so everything is a little up in the air atm.. and anyway who knows me knows I hate indecisiveness -_-" any suggestions?
I would like to give a round of applause to everyone (or anyone) who managed to read through all of that; hope you return again sometime ! :)
Until Next Time;
Matthew Dragoslav.
Anyway; lets talk about my week :)

I'm going to start with Sundayy! Sunday was planned for shopping with Ivvvay & Natasha (yes, you read that last bit right.. we did plan something for once!) to go shopping to buy presents for Kirra & get Ivvvay some scrubs for dress ups :) Anyway, we were sitting out side with my $4.50 "large" plate of chips (worst $4.50 of my life -_-") and having a ciggarette break when I come up with the idea, "Hey, lets have a barbeque at Nats?". Both girls agreed and after getting the okay from Natasha's mum... My Wife... We were off to buy meat! Once we got to Natasha's, we started cooking right away.. I don't know about them.. but I was starved! I've don't think we could have made a more "wogged out" meal if we tried. A serbian and croatian mixed potato salad (although; I think Natasha's Mum (greek) added to it), along with the greek salad and the masses of sausages we bought! LOL there was so much food I though I was going to be sick! haha
Monday was dodgy. work work work. moving right along to tuesday afternoon :)
Tuesday afternoon; its hot, my hair's been pushed back for work, I'm all sweaty and who do I find outside waiting for me... KirRAWR! :D ON HER BIRTHDAY SHE SURPRISES ME!?! LOL ... blah blah blah; long story short.. I ended up sleeping at her house for the night.. after a few celebratory drinks of course ;) LOL... that night will be remember in my mind as "Rip Her T!TS Off!" and me "Bathing Literally In Vodka"... because that's just how I role ;)
oh oh; blog pause button please. *** HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRRA! *** & now back to your scheduled blog programing by Matthew Dragoslav. :)
Wednesday worked out funny.. Ivana randomly shows up with Benita at work and I get them to wait for me :) Benita had to go home right away but I ended up staying with Ivana until almost 10pm? We saw Ricky, James, Zomaya, supposedly Giles? LOL... OH! and who thought matty the mazda didn't have it in him.. he beat a ford falcon.. with James as Driver!!! ... although I was driving matty at the time.. and I'm pretty sure I'm a "Crazy Serb Driver" as people preferrably know me as :)
Thursday was shit. I worked until 1am. Like a bitch. Moving Along. xD!
OH~ now for my RANT!:) I'm at a crossroads (sorry ivana... dejavu?); I don't know what I'm to do. Hincho or Carnes Hill? Its abit confusing for me.. and I have the future to think about.. so everything is a little up in the air atm.. and anyway who knows me knows I hate indecisiveness -_-" any suggestions?
I would like to give a round of applause to everyone (or anyone) who managed to read through all of that; hope you return again sometime ! :)
Until Next Time;
Matthew Dragoslav.
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