Anyway; lets talk about my week :)

I'm going to start with Sundayy! Sunday was planned for shopping with Ivvvay & Natasha (yes, you read that last bit right.. we did plan something for once!) to go shopping to buy presents for Kirra & get Ivvvay some scrubs for dress ups :) Anyway, we were sitting out side with my $4.50 "large" plate of chips (worst $4.50 of my life -_-") and having a ciggarette break when I come up with the idea, "Hey, lets have a barbeque at Nats?". Both girls agreed and after getting the okay from Natasha's mum... My Wife... We were off to buy meat! Once we got to Natasha's, we started cooking right away.. I don't know about them.. but I was starved! I've don't think we could have made a more "wogged out" meal if we tried. A serbian and croatian mixed potato salad (although; I think Natasha's Mum (greek) added to it), along with the greek salad and the masses of sausages we bought! LOL there was so much food I though I was going to be sick! haha
Monday was dodgy. work work work. moving right along to tuesday afternoon :)
Tuesday afternoon; its hot, my hair's been pushed back for work, I'm all sweaty and who do I find outside waiting for me... KirRAWR! :D ON HER BIRTHDAY SHE SURPRISES ME!?! LOL ... blah blah blah; long story short.. I ended up sleeping at her house for the night.. after a few celebratory drinks of course ;) LOL... that night will be remember in my mind as "Rip Her T!TS Off!" and me "Bathing Literally In Vodka"... because that's just how I role ;)
oh oh; blog pause button please. *** HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIRRA! *** & now back to your scheduled blog programing by Matthew Dragoslav. :)
Wednesday worked out funny.. Ivana randomly shows up with Benita at work and I get them to wait for me :) Benita had to go home right away but I ended up staying with Ivana until almost 10pm? We saw Ricky, James, Zomaya, supposedly Giles? LOL... OH! and who thought matty the mazda didn't have it in him.. he beat a ford falcon.. with James as Driver!!! ... although I was driving matty at the time.. and I'm pretty sure I'm a "Crazy Serb Driver" as people preferrably know me as :)
Thursday was shit. I worked until 1am. Like a bitch. Moving Along. xD!
OH~ now for my RANT!:) I'm at a crossroads (sorry ivana... dejavu?); I don't know what I'm to do. Hincho or Carnes Hill? Its abit confusing for me.. and I have the future to think about.. so everything is a little up in the air atm.. and anyway who knows me knows I hate indecisiveness -_-" any suggestions?
I would like to give a round of applause to everyone (or anyone) who managed to read through all of that; hope you return again sometime ! :)
Until Next Time;
Matthew Dragoslav.
POP well i would probly just write what i wrote last time...but cbf so yea...ill ttyl!